Diseño de planillas ágiles y eficientes
Sobre el
Este curso apunta a lograr planillas ágiles y eficientes haciendo foco en buenas prácticas de
modelización, el proceso de ingeniería de planillas de cálculo, técnicas de control de errores y tips varios para el diseño de planillas de alta calidad. Todos los contenidos se ven a través de ejemplos,
combinando así teoría y práctica.
Si buscás mejorar tus planillas de cálculo para que sean amigables, fáciles de entender y confiables, encontrarás en este curso los elementos necesarios para optimizar los tiempos de desarrollo y lograr planillas con esas características.
Obtendrás conocimientos a través de una combinación de presentaciones y ejercicios individuales y en grupos pequeños. Los cursos son virtuales sincrónicos y en todo momento podrás
preguntar y participar. Además, tendrás acceso a una hora de tutoría individual y personalizada en la que te ayudaremos a mejorar alguna planilla tuya que quieras modificar.
Todo el material usado en las clases estará disponible: presentaciones y planillas de cálculo de ejemplo. Todas las clases quedan grabadas y disponibles durante 30 días.
Preguntas Frecuentes
SEMI-INTENSIVE ONLINE COURSEOBJECTIVE: Learn how to build spreadsheets that allow you to make decisions in an agile way. Achieve high quality, robust, flexible and reliable spreadsheets. Reduce the probability of errors. We combine theory with simple exercises to incorporate the main best practices in spreadsheet design. For people who work regularly with spreadsheets and want to learn the basics to make them more agile. DURATION: 5 weeks | 5 classes of 2 hours. TOOLS: Theoretical-practical classes and simple exercises. MODALITY: Online. NEXT START: See calendar.
FULL ONLINE COURSEOBJECTIVE: to deepen the experience of spreadsheet design, adopting theory in small doses, readings, individual exercises and a project of their own, in which each participant will choose a spreadsheet of their own to improve with personalized feedback from the teacher. For people who want to deepen in the design of efficient spreadsheets and deepen in the practical experience. DURATION: 6 weeks | 6 classes of 2 hours. TOOLS: Theoretical-practical classes, readings, individual exercises and an own work project. MODALITY: Online NEXT START: see calendar.
ON-SITE COURSESAn option for a total immersion in best design practices that will allow you to obtain high quality spreadsheets while enjoying the interaction with the other participants and the teacher. DURATION: 1 day | 8 hours NEXT START: See calendar.
CUSTOMIZED COURSESWe customize the course your company needs, adapting contents and schedules for the participants.
WEBINARSPresentations of 45 minutes duration, with time for questions, in which a topic is presented in a brief and concrete manner. Topics: State of the art (research); Spreadsheet engineering; Fishing for errors (Validation techniques); Golden rules of construction; Design tips; Getting the most of it (how to use a spreadsheet).
HANDS-ONComplement the semi-intensive online course with practical exercises specially designed to apply the theoretical concepts. Learn from your own experience and from sharing the solutions found by other participants to the same problem. Each class proposes to solve a case with a spreadsheet that allows you to make a decision. In the class the different models are analyzed and discussed, detecting strengths and weaknesses of each one.
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